The International Language

متن مرتبط با «اصطلاحات انگلیسی» در سایت The International Language نوشته شده است

جزوه اصطلاحات

  •  دانلود یک جزوه برای یادگیری 60 اصطلاح انگلیسی با تصویر دانلود    با تشکر از استاد وطنی,اصطلاحات انگلیسی ...ادامه مطلب

  • تاریخچه ی زبان انگلیسی

  • منبع : ویکی پدیا English originated in those dialects of North Sea Germanic which were carried to Britain by Germanic settlers from various parts of what are now the Netherlands, northwest Germany, and Denmark. Up to that point, in Roman Britain the native population is assumed to have spoken the Celtic language Brythonic alongside the acrolectal influence of Latin, from the 400-year Roman occupation. One of these incoming Germanic tribes was the Angles,whom Bede believed to have relocated entirely to Britain. The names 'England' (from Engla land "Land of the Angles") and English (Old English Englisc are derived from the name of this tribe—but Saxons, Jutes and a range of Germanic peoples from the coasts of Frisia, Lower Saxony, Jutland and Southe Sweden also moved to Britain in this era Initially, Old English was a diverse group of dialects, reflecting the varied origins of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms of Great Britainbut one of these dialects, Late West Saxon, eventually came to dominate, and it is in this that the poem Beowulf is written. Old English was later transformed by two waves of invasion. The first was by speakers of the North Germanic language branch when Halfdan Ragnarsson and Ivar the Boneless started the conquering and colonisation of northe parts of the British Isles in the 8th and 9th centuries . The second was by speakers of the Romance language Old Norman in the 11th century with the Norman conquest of England. Norman developed into Anglo-Norman, and then Anglo-French – and introduced a layer of words especially via the courts and govement. As well as extending the lexicon with Scandinavian and Norman words these two events also simplified the grammar and transformed English into a borrowing language—more than normally open to accept new words from other languages. The linguistic shifts in English following the Norman invasion produced what is now referred to as Middle English; Geoffrey Chauc, ...ادامه مطلب

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